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Michigan Hell House
Haunted Places

Michigan Hell House

: Paranormal investigator Steve Shippy and psychic medium Cindy Kaza unlock the mystery of the Pomeraning family haunting in rural Michigan.

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Michigan Hell House
Haunted Places

Michigan Hell House

: Paranormal investigator Steve Shippy and psychic medium Cindy Kaza unlock the mystery of the Pomeraning family haunting in rural Michigan.


Michigan Hell House


Paranormal, Haunted Places, Documentaries

Release Year


Rating Information

About This Movie

It's the most terrifying story you've never heard: In 1974, the Pomeraning family was tortured by "humanly impossible" poltergeist activity. Using newly uncovered recordings, Steve Shippy and Cindy Kaza try to identify the evil that rocked a small town.

Cast and Crew

Starring: Cindy Kaza, Steve Shippy

Michigan Hell House


Paranormal, Haunted Places, Documentaries

Release Year


Rating Information

About This Movie

It's the most terrifying story you've never heard: In 1974, the Pomeraning family was tortured by "humanly impossible" poltergeist activity. Using newly uncovered recordings, Steve Shippy and Cindy Kaza try to identify the evil that rocked a small town.

Cast and Crew

Starring: Cindy Kaza, Steve Shippy

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