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Ghost Adventures: Lake of Death
Haunted Places

Ghost Adventures: Lake of Death

: Zak and the Ghost Adventures crew comb the receding shores of Nevada's legendary Lake Mead for clues about its dark and deadly past.

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Ghost Adventures: Lake of Death
Haunted Places

Ghost Adventures: Lake of Death

: Zak and the Ghost Adventures crew comb the receding shores of Nevada's legendary Lake Mead for clues about its dark and deadly past.


Ghost Adventures: Lake of Death


Paranormal, Haunted Places

Release Year


Rating Information


About This Movie

Zak and the crew comb the receding shores of Nevada's Lake Mead for clues about its deadly past. As the reservoir dries out at a rapid pace, dark secrets are rising to the surface. Is a curse behind the tortured energy emanating from the brilliant waters?

Cast and Crew

Starring: Zak Bagans, Aaron Goodwin, Billy Tolley, Jay Wasley

Ghost Adventures: Lake of Death


Paranormal, Haunted Places

Release Year


Rating Information


About This Movie

Zak and the crew comb the receding shores of Nevada's Lake Mead for clues about its deadly past. As the reservoir dries out at a rapid pace, dark secrets are rising to the surface. Is a curse behind the tortured energy emanating from the brilliant waters?

Cast and Crew

Starring: Zak Bagans, Aaron Goodwin, Billy Tolley, Jay Wasley

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