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Jack and Kelly Osbourne: Night of Terror
Ghost Hunting

Jack and Kelly Osbourne: Night of Terror

: Jack and Kelly Osbourne board the Queen Mary for a terrifying three-day investigation of the infamously haunted ocean liner.

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Jack and Kelly Osbourne: Night of Terror
Ghost Hunting

Jack and Kelly Osbourne: Night of Terror

: Jack and Kelly Osbourne board the Queen Mary for a terrifying three-day investigation of the infamously haunted ocean liner.


Jack and Kelly Osbourne: Night of Terror


Paranormal, Ghost Hunting, Haunted Places

Release Year


Rating Information


About This Movie

Jack and Kelly Osbourne board the infamously haunted Queen Mary for a terrifying three-day investigation. The ocean liner has been closed to the public, but it is hardly empty. Aggressive entities are tormenting the staff, and it gets worse by the day.

Cast and Crew

Starring: Jack Osbourne, Kelly Osbourne

Jack and Kelly Osbourne: Night of Terror


Paranormal, Ghost Hunting, Haunted Places

Release Year


Rating Information


About This Movie

Jack and Kelly Osbourne board the infamously haunted Queen Mary for a terrifying three-day investigation. The ocean liner has been closed to the public, but it is hardly empty. Aggressive entities are tormenting the staff, and it gets worse by the day.

Cast and Crew

Starring: Jack Osbourne, Kelly Osbourne

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