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The Hunt for Planet B
Science & Nature
Space Exploration

The Hunt for Planet B

: The creation of the Webb Telescope is interweaved with the story of a pioneering group of female scientists seeking life beyond the solar system.

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The Hunt for Planet B
Science & Nature
Space Exploration

The Hunt for Planet B

: The creation of the Webb Telescope is interweaved with the story of a pioneering group of female scientists seeking life beyond the solar system.


The Hunt for Planet B


Science & Nature, Space Exploration

Release Year


Rating Information


About This Movie

NASA's high-stakes Webb Telescope is the most ambitious space observatory ever built. The film interweaves the creation of this massive machine with the story of a pioneering group of female scientists on a quest to find life beyond the solar system.

Cast and Crew

The Hunt for Planet B


Science & Nature, Space Exploration

Release Year


Rating Information


About This Movie

NASA's high-stakes Webb Telescope is the most ambitious space observatory ever built. The film interweaves the creation of this massive machine with the story of a pioneering group of female scientists on a quest to find life beyond the solar system.

Cast and Crew

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