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Rebuilding Hope: The Children of 9/11
Change Makers
History & Civilizations

Rebuilding Hope: The Children of 9/11

: Four families with children who were born after their fathers perished on 9/11 reflect on the past and share their own stories of bravery and hope.

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Rebuilding Hope: The Children of 9/11
Change Makers
History & Civilizations

Rebuilding Hope: The Children of 9/11

: Four families with children who were born after their fathers perished on 9/11 reflect on the past and share their own stories of bravery and hope.


Rebuilding Hope: The Children of 9/11


Change Makers, History & Civilizations, Documentaries

Release Year


Rating Information


About This Movie

Four families with children who were born after their fathers perished on 9/11 share their stories of bravery and inspiration. They also reflect on how they rebuilt hope for their futures and came of age over the past 20 years.

Cast and Crew

Starring: Jamie Gartenberg Pila, Nicole Gartenberg Pila, Gabriel Jacobs Dick, Jenna Jacobs McPartland, Jacqueline Milam, Ronald Milam, Jay Pila, Jill Pila, Alexa Smagala, Dena Smagala, James Smagala

Rebuilding Hope: The Children of 9/11


Change Makers, History & Civilizations, Documentaries

Release Year


Rating Information


About This Movie

Four families with children who were born after their fathers perished on 9/11 share their stories of bravery and inspiration. They also reflect on how they rebuilt hope for their futures and came of age over the past 20 years.

Cast and Crew

Starring: Jamie Gartenberg Pila, Nicole Gartenberg Pila, Gabriel Jacobs Dick, Jenna Jacobs McPartland, Jacqueline Milam, Ronald Milam, Jay Pila, Jill Pila, Alexa Smagala, Dena Smagala, James Smagala

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