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Alien Abduction: Betty and Barney Hill
Aliens & UFOs

Alien Abduction: Betty and Barney Hill

: Compelling new evidence may prove that a New Hampshire couple's terrifying close encounter with a UFO in 1961 was real.

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Alien Abduction: Betty and Barney Hill
Aliens & UFOs

Alien Abduction: Betty and Barney Hill

: Compelling new evidence may prove that a New Hampshire couple's terrifying close encounter with a UFO in 1961 was real.


Alien Abduction: Betty and Barney Hill


Paranormal, Aliens & UFOs, Documentaries

Release Year


Rating Information


About This Movie

In 1961, Betty and Barney Hill encountered a UFO on a deserted New Hampshire highway. When the story leaked, they gained fame as the first widely reported alien abductees. Compelling new evidence may prove the Hills' terrifying close encounter was real.

Cast and Crew

Starring: Ben Hansen, Kathleen Marden, Barney Hill, Betty Hill, Anthony Call

Alien Abduction: Betty and Barney Hill


Paranormal, Aliens & UFOs, Documentaries

Release Year


Rating Information


About This Movie

In 1961, Betty and Barney Hill encountered a UFO on a deserted New Hampshire highway. When the story leaked, they gained fame as the first widely reported alien abductees. Compelling new evidence may prove the Hills' terrifying close encounter was real.

Cast and Crew

Starring: Ben Hansen, Kathleen Marden, Barney Hill, Betty Hill, Anthony Call

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