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Jack Osbourne's Night of Terror: Bigfoot
Monsters & Legends

Jack Osbourne's Night of Terror: Bigfoot

: Jack Osbourne and his friend, Jason Mewes, venture deep into the woods of northern Idaho to find Bigfoot.

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Jack Osbourne's Night of Terror: Bigfoot
Monsters & Legends

Jack Osbourne's Night of Terror: Bigfoot

: Jack Osbourne and his friend, Jason Mewes, venture deep into the woods of northern Idaho to find Bigfoot.


Jack Osbourne's Night of Terror: Bigfoot


Paranormal, Monsters & Legends

Release Year


Rating Information


About This Movie

Friends Jack Osbourne and Jason Mewes have questioned the existence of Bigfoot for years. Now, Jack and Jason venture deep into the woods of northern Idaho to find out for themselves if this infamous creature is real or simply an age-old legend run wild.

Cast and Crew

Starring: Jason Mewes, Jack Osbourne, Mireya Mayor

Jack Osbourne's Night of Terror: Bigfoot


Paranormal, Monsters & Legends

Release Year


Rating Information


About This Movie

Friends Jack Osbourne and Jason Mewes have questioned the existence of Bigfoot for years. Now, Jack and Jason venture deep into the woods of northern Idaho to find out for themselves if this infamous creature is real or simply an age-old legend run wild.

Cast and Crew

Starring: Jason Mewes, Jack Osbourne, Mireya Mayor

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