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Almost Human: Rise of the Apes
Science & Nature

Almost Human: Rise of the Apes

: In 2021, scientists grew human stem cells in a monkey embryo, creating a human-ape hybrid. We investigate past experiments and rumors of a live birth.

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Almost Human: Rise of the Apes
Science & Nature

Almost Human: Rise of the Apes

: In 2021, scientists grew human stem cells in a monkey embryo, creating a human-ape hybrid. We investigate past experiments and rumors of a live birth.


Almost Human: Rise of the Apes


Science & Nature, Documentaries, History & Civilizations

Release Year


Rating Information


About This Movie

In 2021, scientists grew human stem cells in a monkey embryo, creating a human-ape hybrid. Previous experiments led to rumors of an actual live birth. Is this mad science? Is it immoral, even criminal? Or could creating hybrids now help us defeat disease?

Cast and Crew

Starring: Erik Dellums

Almost Human: Rise of the Apes


Science & Nature, Documentaries, History & Civilizations

Release Year


Rating Information


About This Movie

In 2021, scientists grew human stem cells in a monkey embryo, creating a human-ape hybrid. Previous experiments led to rumors of an actual live birth. Is this mad science? Is it immoral, even criminal? Or could creating hybrids now help us defeat disease?

Cast and Crew

Starring: Erik Dellums

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