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Dawn of the Monster Mako
Science & Nature

Dawn of the Monster Mako

: Joe Romeiro and his wife, Lauren, search the teeming depths around the ancient islands of the Azores to capture a 14-foot giant mako on film.

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Dawn of the Monster Mako
Science & Nature

Dawn of the Monster Mako

: Joe Romeiro and his wife, Lauren, search the teeming depths around the ancient islands of the Azores to capture a 14-foot giant mako on film.


Dawn of the Monster Mako


Science & Nature, Wildlife, Documentaries

Release Year


Rating Information


About This Movie

A 14-foot giant mako shark is spotted in the waters of Portugal's Azores region. Underwater cinematographer Joe Romeiro and his wife, marine biologist Lauren, search the teeming depths around the ancient islands to capture the beast on film.

Cast and Crew

Starring: Joe Romeiro, Lauren Romeiro

Dawn of the Monster Mako


Science & Nature, Wildlife, Documentaries

Release Year


Rating Information


About This Movie

A 14-foot giant mako shark is spotted in the waters of Portugal's Azores region. Underwater cinematographer Joe Romeiro and his wife, marine biologist Lauren, search the teeming depths around the ancient islands to capture the beast on film.

Cast and Crew

Starring: Joe Romeiro, Lauren Romeiro

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