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Tom and Jerry
Kids & Family
Animated Movies

Tom and Jerry

: Tom and Jerry's new adventure stakes new ground for the iconic characters and finally forces them to do the unthinkable: work together!

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Tom and Jerry
Kids & Family
Animated Movies

Tom and Jerry

: Tom and Jerry's new adventure stakes new ground for the iconic characters and finally forces them to do the unthinkable: work together!


Tom and Jerry


Kids & Family, Animated Movies, Comedy, Family Adventures

Release Year


Rating Information


About This Movie

An eye-popping blend of classic animation and live action, Tom and Jerry's new adventure stakes new ground for the iconic characters and finally forces them to do the unthinkable: work together to save the day!

Cast and Crew

Starring: Chloë Moretz, Michael Peña, Colin Jost, Rob Delaney, Pallavi Sharda, Jordan Bolger, Patsy Ferran, Ken Jeong, Thomas Cat, Jerome Mouse

Tom and Jerry


Kids & Family, Animated Movies, Comedy, Family Adventures

Release Year


Rating Information


About This Movie

An eye-popping blend of classic animation and live action, Tom and Jerry's new adventure stakes new ground for the iconic characters and finally forces them to do the unthinkable: work together to save the day!

Cast and Crew

Starring: Chloë Moretz, Michael Peña, Colin Jost, Rob Delaney, Pallavi Sharda, Jordan Bolger, Patsy Ferran, Ken Jeong, Thomas Cat, Jerome Mouse

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