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Ghosts of Flight 401
Haunted Places

Ghosts of Flight 401

: Steve Shippy and Cindy Kaza go deep into the heart of the Florida Everglades to uncover the horrifying truth about the crash of Eastern Flight 401.

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Ghosts of Flight 401
Haunted Places

Ghosts of Flight 401

: Steve Shippy and Cindy Kaza go deep into the heart of the Florida Everglades to uncover the horrifying truth about the crash of Eastern Flight 401.


Ghosts of Flight 401


Paranormal, Haunted Places, Documentaries

Release Year


Rating Information


About This Movie

Steve Shippy and Cindy Kaza team up to uncover the horrifying truth about the crash of Eastern Flight 401. They go deep into the heart of the Florida Everglades to contact the victims' ghosts and find out what really happened that fateful night in 1972.

Cast and Crew

Starring: Cindy Kaza, Steve Shippy

Ghosts of Flight 401


Paranormal, Haunted Places, Documentaries

Release Year


Rating Information


About This Movie

Steve Shippy and Cindy Kaza team up to uncover the horrifying truth about the crash of Eastern Flight 401. They go deep into the heart of the Florida Everglades to contact the victims' ghosts and find out what really happened that fateful night in 1972.

Cast and Crew

Starring: Cindy Kaza, Steve Shippy

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