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Fright Club
2 Seasons
Haunted Places

Fright Club

: Jack Osbourne and the Ghost Brothers -- Dalen Spratt, Marcus Harvey and Juwan Mass -- compete to freak each other out with creepy paranormal footage.

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Fright Club
2 Seasons
Haunted Places

Fright Club

: Jack Osbourne and the Ghost Brothers -- Dalen Spratt, Marcus Harvey and Juwan Mass -- compete to freak each other out with creepy paranormal footage.



Hide Your Kids, Watch the Skies
1. Hide Your Kids, Watch the Skies

The guys freak each other out with a preschool ghost, spiderwebs in the sky and ...

Phantom Photobomb
2. Phantom Photobomb

The guys outscare one another with an evil clown doll, mini UFOs and a demonic c...

Astral Vampire Weekend
3. Astral Vampire Weekend

The guys face-off with an Alaskan ice monster, a spectral UFO and an eerie vampi...

Bigfoot Gets a Pedicure
4. Bigfoot Gets a Pedicure

The guys strive to scare with doppelgangers, a haunted restaurant and physical p...

The Hand That Rocks the Cray Doll
5. The Hand That Rocks the Cray Doll

The guys attempt to petrify with a possessed doll, a spectral vandal and a haunt...

Misty Business
6. Misty Business

The guys outscare each other with uninvited houseghosts, a UFO fleet and a not-s...

Ghosts Gone Wild
7. Ghosts Gone Wild

The guys strive to astonish with a haunted brothel, a donut-shaped UFO and a pes...

Scary Poppins
8. Scary Poppins

The guys terrorize each other with a nursery phantom, a ghostly monk and a haunt...

The Real Werewolves of Florida
9. The Real Werewolves of Florida

The guys one-up each other with a backyard cryptid, a demonic doll and a ghost a...

Scream-Filled Donuts
10. Scream-Filled Donuts

The guys freak out over a haunted donut shop, a ghostly intruder and a paranorma...

Fright Club


Haunted Places, Paranormal


2 Seasons Available (20 Episodes)

Release Year


Rating Information


About This Series

Jack Osbourne and the Ghost Brothers -- Dalen Spratt, Marcus Harvey and Juwan Mass -- compete to freak each other out with the creepiest, craziest, most mind-blowing paranormal footage they can find.

Cast and Crew

Starring: Marcus Harvey, Juwan Mass, Jack Osbourne, Dalen Spratt

Fright Club


Haunted Places, Paranormal


2 Seasons Available (20 Episodes)

Release Year


Rating Information


About This Series

Jack Osbourne and the Ghost Brothers -- Dalen Spratt, Marcus Harvey and Juwan Mass -- compete to freak each other out with the creepiest, craziest, most mind-blowing paranormal footage they can find.

Cast and Crew

Starring: Marcus Harvey, Juwan Mass, Jack Osbourne, Dalen Spratt

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