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Sent (HBO)
1 Seasons

Sent (HBO)

: Meek financial officer Jay Bunani vents his feelings in hostile, private emails -- his whole life crumbles when these missives are accidentally sent.

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Sent (HBO)
1 Seasons

Sent (HBO)

: Meek financial officer Jay Bunani vents his feelings in hostile, private emails -- his whole life crumbles when these missives are accidentally sent.



Episode 1
1. Episode 1

A meek financial compliance officer mistakenly sends out hostile emails that no ...

Episode 2
2. Episode 2

Jay's life is in ruins -- he gets fired, his girlfriend breaks up with him, and ...

Episode 3
3. Episode 3

Jay confronts Charley Siew, the internet journalist behind the meme. She tells J...

Episode 4
4. Episode 4

Jay finally convinces Veena to take him back, but he bows out after she admits s...

Episode 5
5. Episode 5

Jay comes clean with his parents and tells them he will strike out alone. He app...

Episode 6
6. Episode 6

After a mysterious delivery at work, Jay and Charley try to prove that Zacheus' ...

Episode 7
7. Episode 7

Jay gets fired -- again. He sends an angry email, blaming Sebastian Cilantro for...

Episode 8
8. Episode 8

Jay sees the error of his ways and makes things right with Charley. Jay's own fu...

Sent (HBO)


Comedy, Offbeat


1 Seasons Available (8 Episodes)

Release Year


Rating Information


About This Series

Mild-mannered financial officer Jay Bunani vents his feelings in hostile e-mails that he never means to send. When they're sent accidentally, Jay's life crumbles as he becomes an internet meme, and trying to undo the damage only causes more complications.

Cast and Crew

Starring: Haresh Tilani, Alan Wong, Rosalind Pho, David Asavanond, Carla Dunareanu, Adrian Pang

Sent (HBO)


Comedy, Offbeat


1 Seasons Available (8 Episodes)

Release Year


Rating Information


About This Series

Mild-mannered financial officer Jay Bunani vents his feelings in hostile e-mails that he never means to send. When they're sent accidentally, Jay's life crumbles as he becomes an internet meme, and trying to undo the damage only causes more complications.

Cast and Crew

Starring: Haresh Tilani, Alan Wong, Rosalind Pho, David Asavanond, Carla Dunareanu, Adrian Pang

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