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Craig Before the Creek
Kids & Family

Craig Before the Creek

: Craig, a new kid in town, sets off on a journey into the Creek to find a lost treasure.

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Craig Before the Creek
Kids & Family

Craig Before the Creek

: Craig, a new kid in town, sets off on a journey into the Creek to find a lost treasure.


Craig Before the Creek


Kids & Family, Cartoons, Family Adventures

Release Year


Rating Information


About This Movie

Craig, a new kid in town, sets off on a journey into the Creek to find a lost treasure -- navigating the wilderness and forging new friendships while being pursued by a band of pirates who want to destroy the Creek itself.

Cast and Crew

Starring: Philip Solomon, Noel Wells, H. Michael Croner, Phil LaMarr

Craig Before the Creek


Kids & Family, Cartoons, Family Adventures

Release Year


Rating Information


About This Movie

Craig, a new kid in town, sets off on a journey into the Creek to find a lost treasure -- navigating the wilderness and forging new friendships while being pursued by a band of pirates who want to destroy the Creek itself.

Cast and Crew

Starring: Philip Solomon, Noel Wells, H. Michael Croner, Phil LaMarr

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